$1B traded on Xclaim including

Exclusive Offering

Xclaim is the exclusive broker to Riot Games for the sale of its contract rejection claim against FTX US
Access Data Room
ftx image

$89.5 million

Contract Rejection Claim
North America League of Legends Championship Series, LLC, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Riot Games, Inc.

Based in Los Angeles, Riot Games is the developer and publisher of League of Legends, the most-played PC game and most popular e-sport in the world.

Auction Summary

Minimum Bid
Immediate Execution Price *
46.0% (updated Nov 27)
Pre-auction Diligence
Nov 16 - 27
Auction Opens
Nov 28
Bid Deadline
11:59pm ET Nov 29
A Qualified Bid equal to or greater than the Immediate Execution Price will terminate the auction and be designated the winning bid if (1) at least one other Qualified Bid not less than the Reserve Price is received and (2) the proposed Trade Confirmation submitted by bidder is acceptable to Seller